Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Gustav Mieske

Contributed by Alma Mieske, written to Dar Hanson
Gustav's son, Paul Julius Mieske
This is Gust Mieske, my Grandfather, my dad Paul Mieske's father and your (Dar) Great Grandfather.  His wife was Julia; unusual name for a German girl.  They had a large farm near Midland, Michigan.  You may not have ever been there.  It was one of Tim's fondest memories of spending a weekend there, when he was about 7yrs. old and being wakened very early in the morning by Uncle Benny to go do the milking, etc.  Your Mom (Pearl) and I quite often spent a week or so there during the summer when we were kids, along with some cousins from "the city" Detroit.

Auntie Alma

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